The Ultimate Guide To Large Poodle Breeds (2024)

Delving into the wide universe of large poodle breeds can feel a bit like navigating through an elaborate maze, especially if you’re new to this realm. I totally get that and I’m here to help.

Table of Contents

Did you know that Poodles actually originate from Germany and wereinitially bred as hunting dogs? This article is your all-access pass to understanding the larger poodle breeds. It’s chock-full ofinvaluable information gathered after extensive research, covering their intriguing history, care requirements, health considerations, and more.

So let’s plunge into this fascinating world together and uncover everything there is to know about these remarkably intelligent canine pals!

Key Takeaways

  • Large Poodles areintelligent, and friendly and need lots of exercise daily.
  • They havedistinct features like a curly coat, floppy ears, and a tall stature.
  • Grooming your large Poodle often is important for their health and looks.
  • Regular vet visits aid in the early detection of potential health issues.
The Ultimate Guide To Large Poodle Breeds (1)

Overview of Large Poodle Breeds

The large Poodle breed, often referred to as the Standard or Royal Poodle, is distinct with its well-proportioned and elegant build. Adorned with acurly or corded hypoallergenic coat, they exhibit grace in every stride they make.

Typically standing over 15 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing between 40-70 pounds, these dogs are more than just their big size. It’s essential not to overlook their floppy ears that hang close to their head – one of many characteristic features indicative of this breed.

Beyond physical attributes, a large poodle has an affectionate and intelligent personality that makes them excellent companions for people from all walks of life.

Physical Characteristics

Large Poodle breedsstand out with their distinct body build and features. They boast asquare-like physique, complete with astraight backandgracefully long neck. Known for theirleggy appearance, these poodles havelengthy muzzlesthat add to their elegance whiledropped earsgive them a lovable flair.

The unique coat of the poodle is not just for style – it serves a functional purpose too! With such defining physical characteristics, it’s no wonder large poodles can stop any dog-lover in their tracks!


The luscious poodle coat is a standout feature of the breed. Composed of adense wiry topcoat and woolly undercoat, it’s known for itsuniquely curly and tight texturethat sets poodles apart.

Thissingle-coat characteristicmeans there’s just one layer of fur to manage during grooming sessions.

Distinctive in look and feel, the poodle coat can take on two forms – corded or curly. Regardless of size – be it a toy poodle or a large standard poodle – each comes with its own set of coat traits.

This versatility contributes to the popularity of thishypoallergenic breedamong dog lovers worldwide!


Standard poodles tower over their miniature and toy counterparts, ranging from15 to 22 inches tall. With a weight that falls between 50-70 pounds, they stand out as the big boy of the poodle family.

Their size makes them seem more like a retriever than what people usually expect of a poodle. But don’t let their large stature mislead you; these intelligent dogs still carry the gracefulwell-proportioned buildandcurly hypoallergenic coatdistinctive to all poodles.

This combination of elegance and power is precisely why many dog lovers find the standard poodle irresistible!


Poodle ears are distinct and recognizable. They’re floppy, often resembling a plush curtain of curling fur hanging to the side of their heads. These dropped ears give poodles an endearing, soft appearance that many owners adore.

However, their beautiful ears need good hygiene practices because they’reprone to infectionsdue toinadequate airflow. It’s crucial for me as an owner to regularly check and clean them in order toprevent complicationssuch as ear infections or mites.

This is part of routine grooming for any poodle breed but it’s definitely worth it when looking into those expressive eyes framed by healthy, lovely ears!


In the poodle breed, adistinctive feature is a tail-curling tail. Docked but not too short, itwaves gaily, expressing the dog’s lively temperament. The curl in their tail is ahereditary trait.

Puppies born to parents with curled tails are more likely to exhibit this characteristic themselves. If potential poodle parents want a straight-tailed pup, they should select from parent breeds that don’t have this tail-curling trait.

This careful selection can result in a standard or large poodle puppy with the desired straight rather than curled tail.


Poodles display animpressive blend of intelligence and friendlinessthat makes them a joy to interact with. As one of thesmartest dog breeds, they are known for theiralert and instinctual temperament, making themquick learners during training sessions.

Theirhigh energy levelsrequire lots of exercise, but this also contributes to theiroutgoing persona. A poodle’sloyaltyis renowned; they formstrong bonds with their familiesand strive to please them.

This combination of traits contributes to a well-rounded personality that provides companionship through every shared moment between you and your poodle.

The Ultimate Guide To Large Poodle Breeds (2)

History of Poodle Breeds

Poodles first came into existence in Germany about four centuries ago. The breed earned the nickname ‘duck dog,’ or as it is known locally, “Caniche.” In France, they gained wide popularity and eventually became the national dog.

Theirdistinctive curly coatsand vibrant personalities set them apart from other breeds. Often considered regal dogs, poodles have a rich history that reflects their high energy levels and unique characteristics.

Regular grooming sessions are non-negotiable for poodles because of their distinctive coat type that requires careful upkeep to maintain their appearance. This not only underscores their historical significance but also highlights how theselovable canineshave become an undeniable part of many households today.

Essential Care for Large Poodles

Large Poodles require a unique care routine, including regular exercise, training, grooming, and proper nutrition. Discover more on how to keep your large poodle healthy and happy in our comprehensive guide!


Large Poodles are active dogs that need roughly1 to 2 hours of exercise daily. This isn’t just a way to burn off their lots of energy, it’s alsovital for their overall healthand can actually help extend their lifespan.

Keep in mind the bigger your poodle, the more daily exercise they’ll generally require. Standard Poodles, in particular, tend to be especially energetic and will need consistent physical stimulation beyond just short walks around the block.

Regular exercise is not only crucial for keeping this intelligent dog breed physically fit but also plays a significant role in ensuring their happiness and well-being.


Training large Poodles can be a rewarding challenge due to theirhigh intelligence level. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Start Training Early: Poodles are quick learners;starting training earlycan yield better results.
  2. Consistency is Key: Like any dog breed, consistency helps Poodles understand and follow commands.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding good behavior encourages Poodles to repeat it in the future.
  4. Socialize Your Puppy: Early socialization helps poodles adjust well with people and other animals.
  5. Keeping Them Engaged: As smart dogs, they needstimulating activitiesto keep them mentally engaged.
  6. Professional Trainers Can Help: If you’re having trouble training your Poodle, consider seeking professional help.


Firstly, grooming stands as an integral part of caring for large poodles. Here are some essential points on how to maintain their distinctive coat:

  1. The coat of a large poodle retains its integrity when clipped and maintained on a regular schedule, ensuring itshypoallergenic and curly nature.
  2. Aneveryday brushing routinehelps keep the coat free from tangles while promoting good hygiene.
  3. Bath time is not just about cleanliness; it’s also the perfect opportunity to examine your big dog forpotential health riskslike cuts or growths.
  4. Given their size, large poodles can have pretty huge grooming needs compared to their miniature and toy counterparts.
  5. Grooming sessions need to go beyond just dealing with their coat; they also include care for ears and nails.
  6. Some owners opt for professional groomers experienced with the breed due to thespecific needs of the large poodle’s coat.


Feeding your Poodle the right nutrients is paramount for their overall health. They thrive on aprotein-rich dietthat includes sources like chicken, beef, turkey, pork, duck, and fish.

Nutrients such as glucosamine and chondroitin are vital for maintaining joint health while omega fatty acids keep their skin healthy and coat glossy. Including grains, fruits, and vegetables in their meals ensures they receive all the necessary vitamins they need to stay strong and active.

For those with sensitive stomachs, it’s essential to choose dog food designed specifically for them. Some owners also opt to provide balanced homemade meals which can be beneficial if prepared properly.

Health Care

Maintaining health care for large Poodles involves several key routines. Regular vet appointments help detect early signs of any potential health issues likeoptic nerve hypoplasia and cataracts, as mentioned in the important facts.

Vaccinations must be kept up-to-date to protect them from common canine diseases. Proactive steps also encompass awell-balanced dietsuited specifically to their breed size, age, and lifestyle.

It’s crucial not just because it keeps their coat glossy, but it can also extend your furry friend’s lifespan significantly! Exceptional attention must be given to grooming; preventing matting is vital due to their thick curly fur which requires frequent brushing and trimming.

Remember that consistent preventive care ensures a healthier life for your poodle!

Health Considerations for Large Poodle Breeds

While large poodles are generally healthy, they can still be prone to certain health issues likehip dysplasia and bloat; understanding these risks is crucial for maintaining your poodle’s well-being.

Dive into this section to learn more about the preventive measures you can take.

Common Health Issues

Large Poodles, while generally healthy, can be prone to certain health problems. Being aware of these potential issues allows you to watch out for early signs and seek prompt treatment.

  • Hip Dysplasia: This is a hereditary condition where the thighbone doesn’t fit snugly into the hip joint, often leading to discomfort or pain.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy: A degenerative eye disorder that eventually leads to blindness.
  • Epilepsy: Poodles can suffer from epilepsy which is commonly controlled by medication.
  • Addison’s Disease: This disease, more common in poodles, affects the adrenal glands and can cause lethargy, vomiting, and weight loss if not treated.
  • Bloat or Gastric Torsion: A serious condition that large breed dogs like poodles are predisposed to. It requires immediate veterinary attention as it can be life-threatening.
  • Dental Disease: Poodles are especially vulnerable to gum disease and tooth loss. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings help keep this issue under control.
  • Skin Conditions: Some poodles develop skin conditions such as allergies or infections, requiring ongoing management.

Preventive Care

Preventive care is a crucial aspect of owning a large Poodle. Here are key measures to take:

  1. Regular Check-ups: Schedule consistent vet visits for your Poodle. This will ensure early detection and treatment of potential health concerns.
  2. Vaccinations: Keep your Poodle up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations.
  3. Testing: It’s vital for large Poodles to get tested for specific health conditions like Addison’s disease, hip dysplasia, and eye diseases.
  4. Nutrition: Feed your Poodle abalanced dietto maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity.
  5. Exercise: Regular physical activity is essential for keeping your large Poodle agile and fit.
  6. Dental Care: Don’t overlook dental health. Brushing their teeth regularly can ward off dental diseases common in this breed.
  7. Grooming: Regular grooming keeps the coat clean, reduces the chances of skin infections, and enables you to check for any abnormalities on the skin.
  8. Training and Socialization: Early training and socialization prepare them to handle different environments, people, and animals calmly, reducing stress-related health issues.
  9. Reproductive Health Care: If not intending to breed your dog, consider spaying or neutering them as it can prevent certain types of cancers associated with the reproductive system.
  10. Mental Stimulation: Since Poodles are highly intelligent dogs, mental exercises such as puzzle games can help keep their brain active and reduce the risk of cognitive decline in later years.

Where to Buy a Large Poodle

Securing your large poodle from a reputable breeder can ensure you’re bringing home a healthy pup. Find out more about identifying good breeders and the variety of large poodle mixes, next!

Reputable Breeders

You’ll find that choosing to buy fromreputable breedersoffers ahigher chance of enjoying a healthy, well-behaved poodlewith the temperament and look you desire. These breedersadhere strictly to established breeding standardswhich helpmaintain consistency in the breed’s size, coat, personality traits, and overall health.

Don’t shy away from asking them about their breeding practices or forproof of genetic testing for common health issues such as hip dysplasia. Reputable breeders will be more than willing to share these results because they prioritize the well-being of their dogs over making a quick sale.

They canprovide useful advice on how to care for your large poodle properlytoo! Additionally, trustworthy recommendations can come from other satisfied clients or throughreferrals made by local breed clubs and dog shows.

Mixes of Large Poodle Breeds

Poodle mixes, often referred to as doodles, bring together the best of two breeds. These hybrids offer arange of sizes and temperaments. Some popular examples are Goldendoodles and Labradoodles which combine Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers with Standard Poodles.

The result is an intelligent, energetic, large-breed dog, perfect for active families.

Diversifying further into the world of poodle hybrids introduces pets with fascinating traits such as Bernedoodles and Mastidoodles that mix Bernese Mountain Dogs or Mastiffs with poodles.

Another larger poodle mix breed is the Airedoodle – a unique blend of an Airedale Terrier and Standard Poodle offering both size and agility in one fun-loving canine companion. Those looking for calmness in their pooch can consider Boodles (Bulldog Poodle Mix) or Maltipoos.

The Bottom Line

Leaping to own alarge Poodle breedis undoubtedly rewarding. Theseintelligent, athletic dogsmakewonderful companionsif given adequate care and attention. Owning one can enrich your life in countless ways by providingloyal friendship,fun-filled activity sessions, andunparalleled affection.

Be ready to meet your new best friend in the form of this majestic breed!


1. What is a large breed of dog that makes an excellent family pet?

The giant poodle, also known as the royal standard poodle, makes an excellent family and companion dog due to their large size and easy-to-train nature.

2. Are there different types of large poodles?

Yes, apart from the royal standard poodles, other breeds that include poodle genes are Boxerdoodles, Pyredoodles Rottles, Sheepadoodles, and Newfypoos.

3. How big does a giant or royal standard poodle get?

A male giant or Royal Standard Poodle can stand up to 25 inches at the wither while females tend to be slightly smaller but still larger than most dogs.

4. Do large breed Poodles have specific training needs?

Like all dogs, Large Breed Poodles need lots of socialization with people and animals. They are quite intelligent which makes great pets but can suffer from separation anxiety if not properly trained.

5. Can you tell me more about the colors available in this type of dog?

Poodles come in a variety of colors range including black, white, apricot, cream, etc. It adds more beauty to its slender and well-proportioned body.

6. How long do these large breed Poodles live?

Large breed Poodles such as Giant or Royal standard ones usually live up to 12 years when nurtured with good care.

The Ultimate Guide To Large Poodle Breeds (2024)
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